Wednesday, 22 November 2006

The Gramaphone - Commercial Street

Last week I was at the downstairs bar of The Gramaphone in Commercial Street. The main bar is lovely, though overpriced. The downstairs bar is one of those London basements that's basically a dingy concrete room with lots of brick arches - the kind that often gets converted into parking spaces.

Anyway, their toilet set-up is a strange one. As you walk through the door you're in a small room with three open doors. On the left:

Some sort of random pipe thing. Just around the corner of that is a toilet.

The door in the middle:

Classy. The guys don't even close the door when they're having a wee.

On the right:

The sinks for the ladies. You can just see part of the cubicle on the left, there.

I'm not sure where the sinks for the guys are. Either they don't wash (eww!) or the sinks are to the left of the middle door. I saw a guy disappearing off that direction, so hopefully it was to wash his hands.

The cubicle itself was pretty boring, so here's a photo of the inside of the cubicle door instead:
I have no idea who Bloom, Olivia or Frank are but I hope they had a lovely night.

The Gramaphone, 60-62 Commercial St. London, E1 6LT

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